Contemporary Door Designs – Concept

Contemporary Door Designs

In interior design, the contemporary door designs also need attention. You will need to make the door more attractive instead of just making it ugly. The door also can be a symbol of your house design. You can make the door more unique by adding some curving or other materials like glass or metal. Sometimes the door can become the unusual object to complete the whole concept.

Especially the front doors which expose to outside world and can attract people that to passing. The color or shape of contemporary door designs for houses will determine the exclusivity of the design and the quality itself. We will talk about several front door styles that we can implement in our house

Contemporary Door Designs for Single Door

The contemporary door designs for single door usually for a small house and small apartment. Even though it would not prevent you to make a beautiful design for your home, you can use exit border to give more volume to the door. You can add some curving to the door and the edge. Make sure your design combine well. For the modern concept, you can use contrast color if you want. It will define it existence in the whole concept. The contrast color makes the door become the first focus of the house.

Contemporary Door Designs - Single Door
Combine materials for your door. You can have half glass door with some graffiti art. You could also apply that door border by putting some windows among door and give some detail in that window. To make distinctly beautiful door designs, you can request for custom made the door so you can get the different shape as you wanted.

Contemporary Door Designs for Double Doors

For a bigger house with a double front door, you will use different contemporary door designs than the single door. Double doors usually use symmetric pattern or shape. The way in double front contemporary door designs will be a lot more complicated, but you also will have a lot more space to improvise. In full glass door, you may use dove sticker or sun guard to make a pattern. With double sizes of the door, you should try to set proportional size between doors and door border, so the frontier does not look bigger than the doors.

Contemporary Door Designs-Double Door
In choosing a color, you can use soft or bright color for classic theme. For contemporary, you can use dark brown or ivory to make the door more elegant. Choosing contemporary door designs for your house will not difficult as long as you follow the main concept.